Monday, March 22, 2010


try being there and thinking of the welfare of at least 28 kids. who can seriously ramble on and on and on nonstop.

try climbing up and down with a bunch of weak and sickly, almost fainting kids.

then you can talk about me having it EASY (with a demeaning tone, no less, i might be overly sensitive but whothefark cares) because
1) it's free
2) food's taken care of

and that your grandmother also can climb.

kawan, tak kawan. kadang-kadang lelaki should just diam.

babi. kiang loho mai gay kiang

Saturday, March 20, 2010


guess what i did during the March holidays?

nyeh heh heh heh heh.

4095.2m above sea level man. honestly, i've never felt so motivated and challenged in one day. but alhamdulillah..mount Kinabalu, checked!ehem!

and amidst my closet fear of heights and falling to death (like seriously takut nauzubillah),

conquered world's highest and Asia's first via ferrata! ehem!

steady ah Cikgu Shikin. lu macam survivor ah! :)

and you :) i cannot even explain my emotions when i saw you there. korang semua nak cakap aku kental ke honeymoon ke korang punya pasal ah k. but my current favourite person, u just earned yourself like 6362574 points. =)

Friday, March 12, 2010

you idiot.

ini mat sudah menang lor.

Monday, March 08, 2010


because it's great that the one week break is finally here, okay one week from now. coz we toh-tal-ly need a rest. but no, i'm climbing up a mountain. but i don't really care coz i'm more worried about my extensive sudden growth of pimples on my face those without pimples should really try to grow some, go, add some colourful words to your life.nabei bunch of lucky flawless skinned people.

and i really really wanna see you. the you, now. coz it is going to be so exciting i swear more pimples will grow on my face. and it's all your fault. yours. but it's a short lived thingy. coz i might just give a HMMPH rolls eyes look and wish you all the best for this path u choose. suka jadi hypocrite? darl, got brain, use. thanks.

must meet the girls soonest.

and you too, of course.


Wednesday, March 03, 2010


a lot of exciting stuff's been happening/ has happened but i just can't seem to find the time to blog. my mind and heart should have fingers of their own. and of course a laptop with internet connection.

now that would be perfect.