Sunday, October 08, 2006

fix you

Hello lovers!

Maciam exciting gituk. The radio's playing hari raya songs already. Weeeee!Tapi stop it eh. jangan enjoy sangat. last few days of Ramadan lagik feeling syahdu... hormats okies.

Talking about hormat. What is up with with muslims eating and smoking outside when they are supposed to be fasting? We should really implement rules that such people be fined. really. turn-off. Dah tua pun.. astaghfirullah. insaf beb. My 8 year olds can tahan and you can't? Sheesh.

Anyways, I just realised I've been missed by many. (Ehm macam faham coughs). Ok fine. I miss everyone!! Cannot wait to meet Aishah! Harap2 jadi,okies? And I also realised my lovers are having problems at work. Come on gurls! Endure for a month and kita tengok cam mana?? Ok best.

And you would have already realised by now how random every single posts of mine are. Yer memang betul. Fikiranku selalu bercelaru. Mana nak tulis ni. Mana nak excited bilang tu. Over. And I thought I could really write well, but tu semua in my head jer. should have some wire to connect the brain to the computer, jadi senang sikit. (Idea baik=10 points)

Oh did I ever ever tell any of you I'm an Indo, Malay, Phillipines VCD/DVD freak? I can go crazy at Muzika especially when the new ones arrive. And i just bought Heart (screams!!!) and Apa Artinya Cinta (screams louder). Gosh been waiting sooo long ok. I literally made a 'triumphant' gesture when I saw the vcds at Muzika tadi. Oh the selenger bacinness. I can still recall the conversation I had with the Abg there a few months ago...

Abg Muzika: Adik minat cerita-cerita Indonesia eh?
Me: A'ah.

Abg Muzika: Abang pun..

Ok macam nothing right? but if you know how the abangs Muzika are like.. you'll get my drift. No offence though. Maaf Zahir batin. peace.

Hmm ape lagi? ah... those with cable, go catch 'sisterhood of the travelling pants'. I LOVE it. Because of that movie, I actually slept at 3 am and went to school with puffy eyes hokay. And it's not because of the lack of sleep, It's because I cried watching it. Best giler, for girls I mean. So girls, if you wanna have a lepak session with just girls, you know.. hang out kat rumah and whatevers.. rent or buy the DVD and watch it together. the boys are cute too. it.

Ok topic ape pulak? yes. read the forum page on Berita Harian. Ada sort of debates about disciplining children and who is to blame when the kids go wrong-teachers or their parents? Very interesting. Yang buat me bingit was someone who actually wrote in saying it's totally the teachers' fault because they don't instil discipline in the kids kat skolah. OK.... like Heellllllllllloooo? obviously tak pakai otak. obviously tak tahu sebatang haram pun yang terjadi in school. obviously tak ambil kisah. maaf cakap lah yer. Maaf zahir batin.

i honestly know what a good family background, with good religious ed can do to a kid. and well, the opposite. and the reality of the latter is just painful. too painful.sumpah.

you wanna know more..can ask me. about the BH forum that is.i keep the clippings. tension babe.

oklah sedih ah kalau berbual pasal this topic. Coz i'll be reminded of the boy. and how he only had to sit for 2 written papers.......

and he didn't turn up. and he still hasn't been home. and all the stationery I bought for him (in case he turned up) just laid there on my table. and how crushed i was to know he wasn't there.
and how Kak mentioned "I rasa Shikin, dia dah give up. I think he feels useless. Yalah because he can't read and everything, so I think he doesn't see the need."

because honestly, I will do anything to help him. Ok. i tried before. I just cannot let go lah.HOW?? HOW?I guess he's just special to me uh?Siol ah. rindu seh. I dreamt about him twice ok. and in one, he was actually crying.... to me.

This sucks. big time. Sumpah I'm emotional. I'll stop now lah.

and the tears come streaming down your face
when you lose something you can't replace
when you love someone but it goes to waste
could it be worse?

i will try to fix you

Take care all.

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