Monday, April 23, 2007


like FINALLY. Miss Red decided to pay me a visit. thanks eh. *snaps fingers* lain kali cepat sikit eh please, ada timing hokay. please stick to the cycle.
but Miss Red decided to bring her best fren. and now i'm having super terrible menstrual cramps i feel like puking. nak stand straight pun cannot, but amazingly, i can still type. wow. i'm amazed by my own powers.nyeheheh. nasib baik tadi takde swimming kalau tak aku dah mati terkangkang.

ok so what happened in school today?
--was pretty disappointed i didnt get my anak angkats. sigh.
--aku kena maki fcuk. baik ah. YES!
--my p4s whom i'm having a love hate relationship with drew "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ms Nur Ashikin" on the board before remedial class. alalala. belated 13 hari kau! but sweet nonetheless.

ok Yusuf..where are you??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!