Friday, November 09, 2007

sing me something new

Alhamdulillah. edupsych1 dah habis. phew. i don't even wanna think about it anymore. tapi u can't help but feel da stress. 60% tau. takut!

now tinggal dore's notes. which i'm super lazy to even start on.but MUST do! untuk benefit semua orang lah katakan. and, jangan lupa, need to study lor.

sastera + linguistik exams = mampos kau shikin kalau belajar last minute.

anyways, i'm gonna really let my hair down before exams. cannot wait!!! lepas tu nak pegi massage. maybe ah.

oh u know what? cahaya cinta is back in action lah. you know i know lah eh orang tu. Let's see. gimme more evidence people. lek ah orang tu jangan stress heheh, just a gut feeling.

tapi aku suka biler kau stress pasal ni. so sexciting!

ok zainal abidin this saturday. nak kena hafal lirik lagu hijau. haha.

tokleh meghaso mandi laok
Besaing,maing ghama-ghama
Ale lo ni tuo umurnyo bejuto
Kito usoho
Jauhke dari malapetako
Ozon lo ni koho nipih nak nak aghi
Keno make asak
Hok biso wei,pasa maknusio
Seghemo bendo-bendo di dunio
Tokleh tehe
Sapa bilo-bilo

betul? suker? nyanyi rame-rame yok!

ok dah. random again.

ps: you, i suka ur goatee. muahaha.



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