Thursday, April 30, 2009

not twitter twit twit

end of april. can you believe it. haiyo i'm getting old. long weekends and you'd think i'd be out enjoying my night away. hell, I THOUGHT I was gonna be out enjoying my night away. lets just say i'm tired of hoping and expecting already. whatever comes, comes. whatever doesn't, then just f it for a jiffy and move. seriously, life's too short to keep getting disappointed. ohblardyblardy.

anyways, five more working days. as much as i cannot wait for the break, i am really gonna miss them. and the so called break, seriously, excursions,talks,whatnots and such? seriously? wastetime man. but looking forward to the SAF visit though. yippeee abangs abangs!

the body is craving for good gigs.
as of now, looking forward to 26th july. not a gig but it sure as hell will be awesome.if i pergi. hehe.

ok bye.
dah malas.

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