Sunday, July 12, 2009


i haven't written in soo long i forgot what's been happening in my life. time's moving waaay too fast lah, seriously. the good being, 3 years boleh habis dengan cepat. hehe. i think i've got a plan in mind on what to do after this. but i'll need to save up. like really save up. and, i'll have to accept the fact that i might not settle down so soon. hurhurhur. but i think i'll be happy. insyaAllah. we'll see how it goes. and the parents too. haha. oh wells. this is THE plan for now. :)

ok so what's up? if you really wanna know, i'm full-fledged already. far so good. adapting, still sane.convo's in 2 days. daymn excited about it. but the mood's gonna fluctuate, coz bestie's leaving the next day. soo happy for you but urgh!maintain k kakaks. haha.

had a blast during the last minute surprise chalet.then ate way too much this week. makan luar here, makan luar there. now my perut like damn sexy ah flabbonch like that. gasak lah eh. can't even be bothered to do crunches or whathaveyousthat'llmakeyouskinnyscrawny.bleargh.

you know i was looking thru old photos. it's funny how events take a turn. like you never knew you'd be close to the people you are with right now. right? what made you choose them anyway? what made you leave the rest? do you still wish for things to happen with someone? do you think you'd be somewhere with someone else?

dulu abang cakap, soal hati ni, susah lah nak cakap. memang betul pun.

ada dia yang nak naik kuda. biarpun lambat, tapi dia sampai in style. tu dia yang kata. kita senyum je kan.

ada dia yang... sigh. so honest. tapi everything he did in the past were just sooooo wrong. but i sooo wanna know more. gatal.

then ada dia yang, bertepuk sebelah tangan. tepuk. tepuk. tepuk.

ok bye.

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