Monday, April 12, 2010

post ni berterabuh

you know the feeling when u keep pushing yourself so hard everyday just to survive something, having all these selfmotivation cheers in your head, only to be reeeeaaaally drained out once it's over?

yes. i'm having this feeling. but i can't stop and not do anything because crucial times are coming. :( sometimes i just wanna run you know. or sit down. or lie down. and not do anything. at all. just remaining silent.

i think you came at the right moment. which is why i treasure my saturdays.however, i stil have this sinking feeling coz it's like i'm just running away. then come sunday, i'll start to panic coz but hell, i need a break. and dear cintas, you people need a break too.

no new messages in my eyecon email inbox means good news.i swear.more mails means more workload. fug i tell u.

guess you can really tell by now that i am tired. and ranting. and time of the month is prolly coming soon. yah.

wish me luck.i'm gonna say smtg honest and revamp the whole thing coz i'm just too tired. too too tired.


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