- we had dinner at Seoul Garden (a first for him.alalala)
- we intended to watch a movie at Great World City (a first for us.alalala)
yes, i mentioned intended. heh. minutes before the movie, we realised we lost the movie tickets. bummer i tell you. haha. dah takdir. lets continue..
- we had backup plan! to go back to my place and take the bike, watch a midnight movie somewhere else.
- but lo and behold, as i was walking down the stairs in the bus, i tripped. and my stupid shoes gave way. needless to say, it was paiseh tahap maksima.my heel is still in the damned bus.
- fret not. since we're already at my place, why not go change to a pair of slippers or something right?
- but no, upon reaching home and seeing dad so engrossed in the soccer matches, mustafa noor bin adnan decided to join dad....to watch soccer....at home..
- so yah,that's the end of my much anticipated second first date.
kat sini handsome seh mamat ni.
and of course, his pretty girlfriend.(shysmile)
lama-lama blog ni jadi musandme.blogspot.com