Monday, November 15, 2010


Heyho. guess what? it's the last week of school!

i've got great news to share! my lunchtime talent thingy which i've been procrastinating for probably 3 terms finally took place.haha. albeit having it for....4 days probably a fifth and last one tomorrow, I'd like to say it's a success. So yay Groovy Recess Time! It's amazing what music can do huh? I have special kids grabbing the mic and singing to Justin Bieber! :) nice.

and my P4 scholar class. yay. alhamdulillah. it's done. payment je belum settle. mudah-mudahan on top of having fun, the kids learnt something :)

school this year has taught me a lot. I think I grew a lot too. full load, hectic CCA, projects, admin. wow. Alhamdulillah. It's an awesome year.

holidays are around the corner. think it's time to catch up with friends. :) or those who really, sincerely wanna catch up. hah!

and and believe it or not, mus and me. we've been dating for a year. wow eh? haha. annndd wait for it,this year,on the same day when we first dated..we quarreled! hahahaha ok dah tu je. i love it that we're finally a normal couple. hurhurhur ;p

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