Sunday, September 23, 2007


right so i'm unmotivated to finish up the i am busy playing online chuzzle and blogging away. go try chuzzle people. be warned-it's addictive.
finished part of the assignment yesterday. i actually started typing away at 3am!dah semangat nak start at 12, when dad ajak everyone to mustaffa. hurhurhur. then sempat makan chapati kul 2 pagi!da dhal's so yummy ohkay. go try the vegetarian restaurant opposite mustaffa. then reached home around 2plus, started typing, and heard a loud crash. apparently, ada 2 teksi berlanggar kat my carpark. and my whole kaypo family panjat the almari just to look at what's happening downstairs. siap ada ambulance semua you!but orang kalau nampak kita dari bawah, can only see our heads at the tingkap kecik.cute kan kita? oh wells.

anyways, i had a dream tadi pagi. it made me feel so..erm...entah eh.tapi korang guarantee tersentuh after i tell u what it's about.

ok. so i have this guy friend whom i havent met, sat down with and gelak ketawe with in a very very long time.
and i dreamt about him.
dah tu jer.


ok fine. what about?

there he was sitting, opposite me. we saw each other and behaved like schoolgirls yang dah lama tak jumpa. serious, aku tak bedek. holding hands and jumping. BUT, we didnt say anything. after a moment we realised how we were behaving, then stopped.

lepas ni part touching lor.

we then held hands. baring. and gazed at the stars.

and it ended there.

kinda weird right? kita tak berbual and all the while kita tgh pimpin tangan.

so touching lor.

whatever seh shikin.

but the dream made me realise how much i miss him. so yah, hey you, i miss you! ingat, we made a promise k!

ok i'm gonna start my assignment now.

eh wait.

dah nak buka?


bye all.selamat berbuka puasa dan jangan gelojoh.

much love!

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