Sunday, October 22, 2006

stop it

so i'm feeling pretty P.O right now. The reason being.. Miss Red decided to pay me a visit today. yes, today. not tomorrow, not lusa. meaning I don't get to fast the whole month like what I was hoping for. dang. Thanks a lot for giving me a pimple breakout eh hormones or whatevers.

tapi takpe. Raya's just around the corner. and the first day's gonna be a bit disappointing. Decided not to wear the baju we wanted to. Sexy maut ah. Bapakku baik nak maafkan aleh2 tiada maaf bagimu nanti Muahahaha. So it's just plain normal baju kurung. Tapi kalau dah cun pakai ape pun jambu per. Hurhurhur.

Anyhoos, I've been feeling pretty bingit lately. And to tell you the truth, I just realised I have a much higher tolerance level towards the females than the opposite sex. I have no idea why. Tu sebab lah aku takda boypren sampai skarang. I simply cannot stand men who's so mengada-ngada. And what? dengar-dengar lelaki sekarang dah petty?? tak dapat ah!

petty and ngada-ngada boys. seriously, don't come near me.

the ones yang expect me to call them every single day, or expect me to answer their call all the freaking time like as if i have nothing to do but sit around and wait for you (wah rhyme!), also, please, just lose my number. Aku nak space. And you don't go around and judge me saying i'm cold and dah berubah, when you've only been close to me for what?a few weeks? Stop it lah kan.And calling repeatedly will only make it worse. Sumpah.

You just don't know me well enough. Aku tak suka telephone. You love to talk, you call someone else. Ok? Nyet.

Maaf Zahir Batin ah.

Anyways, just to let you know..School ends at 10 for the Muslims tomorrow. I swear I'm gonna leave school with my boys..flashing big smiles!hurhurhur. I'll try to video them saying 'selamat hari raya' or singing raya songs. Dah kecoh babe. Yes amazingly, seirritating mereka, I can tolerate these boys..all 35 of em. I love korangs!

And did I tell you I love these people also??? Girls, the time spent is really never enuff eh? One whole day together lahhhhh. Soon. Bila part ada orang nak treat tu. Hehe. LOVE KORANGS!! thanks for always being there for each other ahaks.

ok bye. and ikhlasly, maaf zahir batin. :)

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