hey people! so i'm back, with a sore stomach. confirm makan byk sangat. and i cannot wait to go Kay-el again, with the NIE people-diy,shah,diva,wan,baby,airi. confirm gerek. so aishah, u better get well soon babe. biar tak sexy, asal cool. aha. oh no ni bukan self-proclaiming that we're cool hor. understand understood. ramai orang dah kirim benda. u think i'll buy for u people or not? hehe.
i miss my people. my kekeks. for the record, we've yet to get idah and rozie presents!and khammie, dapat jumpa john-john tak? and i miss siti who has a rawr bf. hehe.i miss my 4(th) best, zah,kiky,amin, once in a while awal. i miss chewy and liza. i miss zako, we've yet to go out on a date again. HAHA. i dunno whether i miss rabz or not. hmmm.
sidetrack sikit.
Happy Belated Birthday Wacky! 10 yrs of friendship already izzit? WO!
i kinda miss school. the journey and everything. but i don't want the assignments and exams. baru dapat DCD100's timeslot and it already sucks. and i dont even wanna see or know my marks. takut! and i dunno what's in store for me once school reopens. more magic? HAHA! inside joke.
KL with family was jalan masjid india, as usual. haha and throughout our 3 days there, it rained and rained. boring. i slept at 10 pm on the first night. wow. twintowers look like gotham city with the fog and everything.
rocker tak menjadi.
minah beca pun tak menjadi. nephews and nieces as passengers.
right. will update more smart stuff. kokill's shrieking.
mat msia's pick up line-"menarik bau.."Very Original.
take care loves.
ps: nasi ayam penyet is not boring.
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