Thursday, May 01, 2008


so many events that happened, realistically or not, these past few days, made me ponder about.. me. about my life. and about life, in general.

that and conversations i've had with people. awake and when i'm asleep (mimpi lah, doh!) weird weird weird.

anyways, mom was super funny lah tadi. as you know, i've been romancing the novel the past few days, which to me, is one of the luxuries of life :),ahh bliss. k back to the story, mom was watching suria and they showed the post-apm thingy lah. interviews after the show. if you watched, KRU won i forgot what and they interviewed em (i love KRU btw.. ooh la la fanatik). so i jokingly said to mom,

me: ma.. orang kahwin ngan Norman sudah ma. dia sampai sekarang tak kahwin-kahwin.
as usual, mom just looked at me, really, with a tak ambil kisah nyer look.

skali, they played some kiddie story on suria and ada si abang mayuni pulak. guess what mom said?

me mom: eh mayuni? girl, kau kahwin dengan mayuni sudah.
me: HUH? mayuni!
me mom: a'ah lah, daripada kau nak ambik Norman.

mama, mama, boleh layan pulak yer. HAHA.

tak kelakar eh? takpelah nak share jer.

oh guess what? i finished reading 'Ayat-Ayat Cinta'. But it's the Bahasa Melayu Edition, don't know if the real one would be more beautiful than this. The whole novel just makes me feel so daif as a Muslim. but it's nice. not much on polygamy and everything, more to love for Islam. what true love really means. cinta hamba pada Tuhan. cinta suami pada isteri. cinta isteri pada suami. cinta pada kawan-kawan.confirm terkesan. confirm. cannot cannot cannot wait for the movie!

"Cinta sejati dua insan berbeza jenis adalah cinta yang terjalin setelah akad nikah. Iaitu cinta kita pada pasangan hidup kita yang sah. Cinta sebelum menikah adalah cinta semu yang tidak perlu disucikan dan diagung-agungkan"
~Ayat-ayat Cinta

if you think Ruzgar Kamal Suleyman's da man of ur dreams. wait till you "meet" Fahri Abdullah Shiddiq.

i'm in love

ketika ku bersujud


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