Tuesday, December 16, 2008


i am soo full alhamdulillah. and i'm happy. i believe my appetite's back,after the fever. so i shan't worry about the high-tea then. ahaks.

i love going out with budak-budak bapok tu. and we've got a new supir. bagus juga ya kamu. i love korangs walaupun korang bapok-bapok yang berdosa.akusepakkaus.

and it was pathetic coz we drove past abang-abang eligible and i hyperventilated and went crazy for a good whole 5 seconds. what a sight. very cheap tau perangai.

that just goes to show i'm running out of eyecandies. ah, that term just cracks me up. shall go guyhunting. or better still, shall get to know people.men.. eligible men. hoho.

should i give it a pass then, since you're so obviously ignoring? lebih senang kan macam gituk.

and i tend to be all talk and no action. nato nato. i'll be hated if this goes on. shall not open my mouth and suggest things, knowing i'm very pemalas to carry them out.

oh please if you think i've disappoint you, i've disappoint myself worse. such a loser.

note to self: please change. and save up. let's go Cairo.

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